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North Iowa Municipal Electric Cooperative Association (NIMECA) is a municipal joint action agency serving 13 municipal electric utilities located in the State of Iowa.

The key benefit of belonging to NIMECA is to be a member of a Joint Action Agency. This means that NIMECA members cooperate together to achieve success in the operation of the organization and their own electric systems.

Other benefits include: Joint financing, consumer-owned, purchase and sale of capacity and energy among members, long-term planning, efficient use of energy, contract negotiations, advisory services, strength through numbers, group studies, legislative influence and participation in the Southwest Power Pool.


NIMECA is also a member of Corn Belt Power Cooperative, a generation and transmission cooperative located in Humboldt, Iowa. Corn Belt and NIMECA share transmission facilities, which results in cost savings to both NIMECA and Corn Belt consumers.


© 2024 NIMECA


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